Thursday, January 8, 2015

NYX-y NYX News

This is my entire NYX Collection. 

I had a comment on my Instagram from one of my lovely followers asking me about NYX's current testing policies, and thought I should write a post about it, since it is pretty big news.
As some of you may know, NYX was owned exclusively by Toni Kho, the company's creator, until she signed a contract in June 2014 saying that she intended to sell the company to L'Oreal in 2015. 
L'Oreal's own product line is tested on animals, as well as many of the other brands they own. 
In spite of this, NYX released a statement saying that they would continue to be cruelty-free, even after L'Oreal takes over. 
It is worth mentioning that L'Oreal owns a number of smaller, cruelty-free brands, such as Tom's of Maine and the Body Shop. 

This change of hands may cause some cruelty-free buyers to cross NYX off of their list, but I will continue to purchase their products because I believe that in supporting their cruelty-free brands, L'Oreal will one day realize that it could reach a wider demographic if it decided to change their testing policies and discontinue animal testing. 
I know that many people will disagree with this, but you should be aware that MANY cruelty-free companies are owned by parent companies that test their products on animals. If this is an issue to you, please please please research your products before you endorse them.